In January 2023, at the request of Vlad Lemets and Josh Macias, Stan Fitzgerald attempted to set up several for-profit business operations to benefit both Josh Macias and Vlad Lemets (founders of @Vets_4_Trump) through L-Strategies.
Vlad Lemets and Josh Macias Are with @Vets_4_Trump (VFAF.ORG) that is a separate organization from @VFAFwarroom (VFAF.US).
The understanding was L-Strategies would attempt to use their end of any profits to pay for the America First movement operations while Lemets and Macias wanted personal income. Fitzgerald proceeded to set up business plans without ever having access to the banking or wanting compensation.
In May-June 2023 L-Strategies was a startup LLC firm that was forced to file litigation against Angie Wong. That litigation moved forward only after consulting the founders of VFAF Josh Macias and Vlad Lemets that there could be counter suits and false allegations. The founders of VFAF advised L-Strategies to do what was necessary and proceed with their blessing.
Later that year in October, after ducking process servers for months, Angie Wong accepted service and filed what was essentially a false counter suit in Florida to which she made allegations of money funneling from Vlad Lemets VFAF Non-Profit through L-Strategies. Vlad Lemets had told Stan Fitzgerald, and Admiral Kubic, he had closed out the nonprofit in January 2023. Wong then acting with circular reporting published these accusations in paid press. Fake news.
Audio Recording Exposes Angie Wong, Republican Committeewoman for Miami District 17, as Writer of NFSC Contract and L-strategies embezzler.
Audio recording reveals that Angie Wong, Republican Committeewoman for District 17, was the author of the NFSC contract for L-Strategies, a firm she was associated with and terminated from in April 2023. During this time since April 2023, Wong has publicly accused Stan Fitzgerald of writing the contract and diverting funds along with other unfounded accusations to deflect of her own actions. In the audio, Joshua Delano of Delanoye Strategies LLC, Wong's own media booker, explains that Wong initiated the contract with the New Federal State of China (NFSC) and diverted funds to him to cover her personal media appearances as a "pay-to-play" commentator. At the end of the recording Delano is asked "So she marked it up $2K" and Delano replies "Yes for her". This recorded statement , the contracts and texts in attorney Jared Craig's possession exonerate Stan Fitzgerald from Wong's misinformation and false allegations all of which are traced to this contract.
Link to audio proof: https://rumble.com/v5gs1ll-audio-released-by-l-strategies-angie-wong-contract-with-nfsc.html
In response to the fabricated allegations about money funneling illegally L-Strategies published their bank accounts on the Virginia VFAF website run by Patrick Collis debunking the accusations. Months later Collis and Lemets , apparently in fear of litigation , worked against L-Strategies and deleted the website page with the proofs disappearing from the server. Lemets had locked out L-Strategies from the site even though at that point they owned it.
Lemets and Collis have been served with subpoenas and depositions are expected as soon as July 2024. The depositions are expected to exonerate L-Strategies and Stan Fitzgerald from fake news , shed light on the history of Vlad Lemets with @Vets_4_Trump and why exactly the organization split, expose evidence into the Angie Wong investigation , the duplicity of Patrick Collis and the conspiracy to avoid legal contracts between @Vets_4_Trump and L-Strategies LLC by hitting Stan Fitzgerald with fake news.
The depositions are also expected to show L-Strategies , Stan Fitzgerald and Jared Craig are all victims of Angie Wong and recently Wong has attempted to flip the narrative with fake news and useful idiots.
L-Strategies is again publishing the banking records here for total public transparency.
From the published bank records, you can verify the following.
The only transfer of funds was made to Vlad Lemets for website work. The monthly inflow, and out flow, shows one single client making a payment for RAV Real America Voice. (Single client is part of the litigation filed by L-Strategies against Angie Wong) The consulting firm profit on that contract is approximately one thousand dollars monthly after forwarding to RAV. A check was written to pay for a documentary editing and the rest were minor expenses. Neither Stan Fitzgerald, nor Jared Craig took any payments. Stan Fitzgerald resigned from the firm in April 2024.
To date the firm has not received any royalty payment from Salem entertainment from the film it produced. The royalty is expected to be in the hundreds, not thousands, and will be published for public review in the future. The next film being released by Stan Fitzgerald will have all royalties paid directly to the Trump campaign.
In this country we believe in Capitalism. L-Strategies is a for profit LLC account. It is not required to publish bank statements or hold any special permissions to do business. The company files a tax return.
The Consulting firm is being totally transparent in rebuttal to false allegations traced to Angie Wong, through Patrick Collis, Butch Conz and Vlad Lemets.
Only in American Politics can someone donate extensively to candidates, fund grassroots operations, never take a penny in compensation and be called a grifter with no inbound personal payments, or access to banking.
Only in American Politics can someone run a political organization geared at helping Donald Trump (not a veteran) and America First candidates (not all veterans) to be accused of exploiting veterans when not one penny was raised. VFAF’s goal is political influence through endorsement, so it’s inferred the Veterans and First responders tied to the organization will be mentioned with their efforts, that is not exploiting. That is team work to grow the organization.
L-Strategies to date has been operating in the red based on personal expenditures that will likely never be reimbursed. The political creatures spewing the defamation can not comprehend patriots acting selflessly because they all themselves have self serving goals.
The power hungry, the cowards afraid of trolling, the infiltrators, and the vindictive who continue to lodge fake accusations will not prevail. Transparency debunks their efforts.
Defamers will be held accountable in court , process servers heading out again this week!