From the Vet Voice Press - Medium Channel :
The Vet Voice has obtained documents published by Spartan Investigations INC. A Private Investigation firm founded by Patrick Collis. Full disclosure : Collis at one time was part of the Vet Voice team however his actions in 2024 caused a parting of ways.
This will be the first in a series of published releases with Spartan documents.
Investigator Patrick Collis of Spartan Investigations took on clients in May of 2023 whom he later defamed after being pressured by online trolling.
In early 2023 Collis was investigating the 2004 wrongful conviction of Stan Fitzgerald from a 1999 FBI investigation. Fitzgerald is a retired police detective, who was at that time president of VFAF Veterans for America First aka Veterans for Trump. Collis then officially took on an investigation into @AngieWong Angie Wong on behalf of Attorney Jared Craig.
Collis claimed not to know of Fitzgerald’s conviction details even though he authorized press and signed an affidavit which he submitted to the FEC in mid 2023. Giving the FEC a false affidavit would be a federal crime if Collis lied. In December 2023 Collis also handed a report to the FBI in Norfolk VA containing information he again claimed he did not know about in 2024. If Collis lied about any information in the hand delivered report that would also be a federal crime. Collis , in online social media, has made posts contradicting his own affidavit and FBI report which again could be criminal if he lied in either submitted report. Depositions are expected to take place in July 2024 to ascertain whether Collis lied in these federal reports or was lying in his social media posts , both can not be true.
Collis in recent months claimed to be unaware of website posts on what was the Virginia state chapter of Veterans for America First. Collis claimed he did not write nor authorize those website pages.
In this report by the Vet Voice we will debunk Patrick Collis and call him out for being a liar, and traitor, to his own clients and former friends.
On July 4th 2023 Collis received an email from a press account at PRLOG that was his company account with his own set password. Collis was anxious to publish press from the account to benefit his security company pertaining to the investigation into Angie Wong. The press company wanted to clarify if VA VFAF was issuing the report. See email screen shot below. Collis asked Stan Fitzgerald via email to look at the message apparently for guidance.
The email and communication with Stan Fitzgerald, and subsequent publishing of the report, prove Collis himself authorized the report through his account with PR LOG.
After Collis himself adjusted the Press Release it was published by PR LOG. See link here for actual press release https://www.prlog.org/12972406-angie-wong-fec-complaint-filed-with-fbi-notified-real-americas-voice-fox-news-oan-commentator.html
The press release contains two links to the VA VFAF website with investigative findings of Mr Collis posted to the VA VFAF website (see screen shots below or follow links in article itself.) This of course proves Investigator Collis was well aware of the Angie Wong posts on the VA VFAF website, and authorized them, which is implied when he published press referring to them on his Spartan Investigations press account.
This proves Investigator Collis has lied on social media violating not only his ethics but attempted to harm his clients by sabotaging legal proceedings. The motives of Collis are unclear because obviously this hurts his business reputation and puts him at risk for formal complaints against his business license to act as a private investigator in multiple states.
Collis apparently does not understand Truth is not defamation , nor did he understand that he was supplied an attorney, at no cost, up until his recent appalling actions.