Patrick Collis, who was replaced by VFAF for a more well known and qualified state chapter president has now committed perjury for Angie Wong and Butch Conz who have impersonated Veterans for America First VFAF.US
Source: The Vet Voice
The Vet Voice has compiled evidence throughout the year-long Patrick Collis / L-Strategies investigation into Angie Wong that establishes Collis perjured himself in a 5–16–24 affidavit. The Vet Voice will methodically debunk the Collis affidavit line by line, establishing the perjury. The Vet Voice will also establish that Stan Fitzgerald, Jared Craig, L-Strategies, and Legacy PAC are victims of Angie Wong and initiated litigation against her months prior to these Alinsky tactic accusations, with Collis now as the useful idiot.
The Vet Voice has also received evidence that Collis used the same false information in his affidavit from May 2024 to deceive members of @Vets_4_Trump, attempting to gain inclusion with the Trump campaign and any future organizations they might establish. This false information led to the official split of the organization, exactly the division Angie Wong had been working towards. Collis was ultimately not added to the campaign coalition. Collis currently falsely claims to be employed by the Trump campaign on his Facebook page.
The purpose of this article is to debunk “Pastor” Collis but also study the investigative reports that Collis published. The reports are an accumulation of third party witness statements and physical evidence.
On 7–2–24, Angie Wong published on her verified X account an affidavit, she previously wrote, for Patrick Collis, to which he swore under oath on 5–16–24. Screenshots attached:
The Vet Voice will now debunk this affidavit line by line:
COLLIS PERJURY SECTION 1- My name is Patrick Collis, I am currently 43 years old, and my current address is <TK> I am a licensed private investigator in Virginia and owner of Spartan Investigations, Inc. located in the Commonwealth of Virginia. I was hired (never paid to date) by one Stan Fitzgerald to conduct six phone interviews concerning one Angie Wong. The phone calls were set up by Stan Fitzgerald who participated in said phone interviews. Stan Fitzgerald insisted on writing the summary statement of the six interviews which I allowed and I approved when he finished them
DEBUNKING SECTION 1: Collis was never hired by Fitzgerald the official agreement was with attorney Jared Craig. No invoice for service was generated. Collis wanted to be identified as the VFAF Chief of Security and took the investigation on as part of his volunteer duties. See: VFAF Official statement on vetting of Trent Leisy | VETERANS FOR AMERICA FIRST | vfaf.us . Collis asked for Fitzgerald’s help writing reports and memos. Collis on June 14th , 2023 entered into a formal agreement with Jared Craig not Stan Fitzgerald.
In May of 2023, Collis accepted the investigation into Angie Wong in an effort to protect Trump donation bundler Martha Fain from being framed by Angie Wong for money laundering accusations.
On May 31st, 2023, one of the first actions Patrick Collis took was to write to former NYPD commissioner Bernard Kerik and Martha Fain. These investigative steps by Collis predate any recorded phone calls, debunking his claim that he was hired just for calls and his own reports and emails establish a year long multi facet probe, not just 6 calls.
See attached exhibits of Stan Fitzgerald emailing Collis with suggested bullet points and Collis responding (from same email listed on his website) with his completed letterhead signed memo.
As demonstrated above Collis worked with Fitzgerald,at VFAF, in an ongoing voluntary manner throughout May and part of June 2023.
The below email and report from Collis confirm that the official working relationship was established on June 14th, 2023, with attorney Jared Craig for the Angie Wong investigation. The email was sent from the same email address listed on Patrick Collis’s website and includes one of his reports. This contradicts Collis’s claim of being hired by Fitzgerald; he was actually ‘hired’ by Jared Craig.
Throughout the investigation into Angie Wong, Patrick Collis sent reports via FedEx to multiple law enforcement agencies in several states (Collis provided proof of mailings to attorney Jared Craig). In December 2023, Patrick Collis hand-delivered a report to the Norfolk FBI Field Office by appointment and photographed himself at the FBI building, debunking his claim of only handling six calls. These reports to the FBI were made with the understanding that Patrick Collis would be committing a crime if they were false. This evidence refutes Section 1 of the perjury committed by Collis for Wong, as well as subsequent sections in the affidavit
The following email was sent from the same email address listed on Patrick Collis’s website. This email, along with a report from Collis, proves that he used FedEx to send reports detailing criminal activity by Angie Wong to law enforcement in both Georgia and Tennessee in mid-July 2023. Attorney Jared Craig possesses numerous FedEx tracking codes that confirm these reports were sent to FBI field offices in multiple states
COLLIS PERJURY SECTION 2 - The phone calls were set up by Stan Fitzgerald who participated in said phone interviews. Stan Fitzgerald insisted on writing the summary statement of the six interviews which I allowed and I approved when he finished them.
DEBUNKING SECTION 2- The calls were set up and recorded by Patrick Collis using equipment in his Virginia office. Fitzgerald has no such equipment. Collis suggested making the calls as a common investigative method to gather evidence from individuals who provided information about Angie Wong. These calls were recorded as a precaution in case a witness attempted to alter their statement, a fact Collis acknowledges in his written reports.
Collis himself also made recorded calls to gather evidence against Angie Wong. You can listen to one such call starting about 30 seconds into the recording via this Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/aqz1zdl072174aya15zfq/Randy-Ireland-recap.mp3?rlkey=a7p3cquibohimojqj94ph05p0&st=ct5w8m33&dl=0
The recorded call to Proud Boys founder Randy Ireland was made by Collis on February 24, 2024. This establishes two aspects of the perjury charges against him: A) It shows that the investigation was ongoing months after Collis claimed it was concluded, and B) It demonstrates that Collis, not just Fitzgerald, made calls as part of the investigation.
COLLIS PERJURY SECTION 3- Stan Fitzgerald created a fake email address portraying himself as me, Patrick Collis without my approval or knowledge and proceeded to send out multiple press releases slamming Angie Wong and claiming that I investigated her. I found out through a phone call from Angie’s attorney Jim Hawkins.
DEBUNKING SECTION 3 — Collis used numerous email addresses. Just as he approved and sought help from Fitzgerald in writing reports, he also authorized the use of various email accounts. The primary email matching his website is pcollis@spartaninv.com. Additionally, Collis authorized the use of the secondary email spartaninvcollis@gmail.com. Another alternate email he used is pastor@cpunited.org
To clarify, in his sworn affidavit, Collis claims he had no knowledge of an email sent from spartaninvcollis@gmail.com to jhawkins@ichterdavis.com on February 25, 2024, until a later date phone call. However, it’s important to note that pcollis@spartaninv.com, his primary email, was also included in that email thread establishing he knew immediately. The purpose of the email was to supply the recording of the Randy Ireland phone call Collis himself made on February 24, 2024 (link above), specifically to jhawkins@ichterdavis.com. The Gmail email was used because Collis was unable to figure out how to send the recording from his primary. This alone disproves Collis’s statement and proves perjury, but Vet Voice will provide further evidence following this screenshot of the email in question
Further establishing the perjury Collis used this same email on 12–26–23 referencing his website (2 months prior to his false claim).
Finalizing the perjury charge against Collis, the email below was sent from his primary email address to attorney Hawkins on December 16, 2023, establishing without a doubt that he personally emailed criminal information about Angie Wong to the attorney. This occurred months after he claimed there was no ongoing investigation. This email also confirms in writing that Collis hand-delivered the report to the FBI on December 18, 2023, by appointment
Collis had asked Fitzgerald for help writing reports even prior to the Wong investigation, this email sent from the primary email address :
COLLIS PERJURY SECTION 4 Other than the six interviews set up by Stan Fitzgerald, I did not investigate Angie Wong. I did not write any of the multiple press releases put out against Angie Wong, nor did I approve them or even know about them until long after they went out. Stan Fitzgerald attacked Angie Wong as me, without my knowledge and/or approval. Creating a fraudulent email address as me, again without my knowledge or approval. With the evidence that has surfaced since, in my professional opinion as a private investigator, Stan Fitzgerald orchestrated the six phone interviews to try and destroy Angie Wong. Also, as a private investigator, it has come to light that Stan Fitzgerald steals the identity of unsuspecting victims and uses those identities to attack others or conduct questionable business dealings, including but not limited to political campaigns. And last as a private investigator, I find the obsession that Stan Fitzgerald has with Angie Wong to be extremely disturbing and dangerous. 1 of 2 I hereby swear or affirm that the information above is true accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge, and that no relevant information has been omitted. Dated: Notary: 5/14/24 Aishany Sukhild
DEBUNKING SECTION 4 — As far as Collis not issuing Press that is proven false here : https://lstrategies.org/articles/patrick-collis-of-spartan-investigations-executive-protection-removed-from-veterans-for-america-first-after-false-statements-conspiring-with-defendants-angie-wong-and-butch-conz
In terms of questionable business dealings, Wong herself is facing a lawsuit for embezzlement, which has been substantiated based on criminal prosecution standards. This legal action against Wong resulted in her evading process servers for several months. Upon finally being served, she engaged in spreading misinformation, employed circular reporting, and utilized Alinsky tactics to accuse Fitzgerald of the very wrongdoing she is guilty of. Debunking the questionable business practices the L-Strategies bank accounts were published online.
Obsessed and dangerous : Angie Wong’s obsession and dangerous behavior prompted a police report to be filed against her in Cobb County, Georgia, in February 2024. Additionally, in February 2024, Florida attorneys sought a restraining order against Wong in court. The restraining order was filed by Attorney Jason Smith at 407–810–2799. The court fillings also establish Wong is using multiple online alias accounts for cyber stalking. It’s evident that the accusations made in May 2024 by Wong, through Collis, are Alinsky tactics.
The specific claim ‘Other than the six interviews set up by Stan Fitzgerald, I did not investigate Angie Wong’ is without a doubt the most outrageous assertion Collis made under oath. Every report posted below was sent from Patrick Collis’s primary email and on his firm’s report forms. This blatant perjury raises serious questions for the Vet Voice. Was Collis under the influence of strong painkillers for his back when he signed this? Was Collis blackmailed? Furthermore, the signed affidavit implies that Attorney Hawkins is part of this conspiracy, especially when considering written communications sent to Hawkins in advance to orchestrating and allowing the use of this perjury.
Patrick Collis Attached Cover Letters when mailing reports to law enforcement agencies pertaining to Angie Wong:
As shown above Patrick Collis emailed Wong's attorney and told counsel the FBI made an appointment for him to come in, Collis also photographed himself at the FBI office.